Doctor: Master?
Master: Doctor.
Doctor: You like it when I use your name.
Master: I chose it. Psychiatrist's field-day.
Doctor: As I chose mine; "the man who makes people better", how sanctimonious is that?
Master: So ... am I Prime Minister then?
Doctor: You know, it's good, isn't it?
Master: Who are those creatures? 'Cause there's no such thing as the Toclafane, that's just a made-up name, like the "Bogeyman".
Doctor: I remember all those fairy tales about the Toclafane when we were kids. Back home... where is it, Master?
Master: Gone.
Doctor: ... How can Gallifrey be gone?
Master: It burnt.
Doctor: And the Time Lords?
Master: Dead. And the Daleks, more or less. What happened to me?
Doctor: The Time Lords only resurrected you because they knew you'd be the perfect warrior for a Time War. You were there when the Dalek Emperor took control of the Cruciform. You saw it. You ran. You ran so far. Made yourself human so they would never find you, because you were so scared.
Master: You know...
Doctor: All of them? But not me - which must mean....?
Master: You were the only one who could end it. And you tried, you did, you tried everything.
Doctor: What did it feel like, though? Two almighty civilizations burning, tell me how did that feel?
Master: Stop it!
Doctor: I must have been like God.
Master: You've been alone ever since. But not any more. Why don't I see that all we've got is each other?
Doctor: Wait, am I asking you out on a date?
Master: I could stop this right now, we could leave this planet and we can fight across the constellations if that's what I want, but not on Earth!
Doctor: Too late.