Doctor: Master?
Master: Doctor.
Doctor: You like it when I use your name.
Master: I chose it. Psychiatrist's field-day.
Doctor: As I chose mine; "the man who makes people better", how sanctimonious is that?
Master: So ... am I Prime Minister then?
Doctor: You know, it's good, isn't it?
Master: Who are those creatures? 'Cause there's no such thing as the Toclafane, that's just a made-up name, like the "Bogeyman".
Doctor: I remember all those fairy tales about the Toclafane when we were kids. Back home... where is it, Master?
Master: Gone.
Doctor: ... How can Gallifrey be gone?
Master: It burnt.
Doctor: And the Time Lords?
Master: Dead. And the Daleks, more or less. What happened to me?
Doctor: The Time Lords only resurrected you because they knew you'd be the perfect warrior for a Time War. You were there when the Dalek Emperor took control of the Cruciform. You saw it. You ran. You ran so far. Made yourself human so they would never find you, because you were so scared.
Master: You know...
Doctor: All of them? But not me - which must mean....?
Master: You were the only one who could end it. And you tried, you did, you tried everything.
Doctor: What did it feel like, though? Two almighty civilizations burning, tell me how did that feel?
Master: Stop it!
Doctor: I must have been like God.
Master: You've been alone ever since. But not any more. Why don't I see that all we've got is each other?
Doctor: Wait, am I asking you out on a date?
Master: I could stop this right now, we could leave this planet and we can fight across the constellations if that's what I want, but not on Earth!
Doctor: Too late.
Master: Doctor.
Doctor: You like it when I use your name.
Master: I chose it. Psychiatrist's field-day.
Doctor: As I chose mine; "the man who makes people better", how sanctimonious is that?
Master: So ... am I Prime Minister then?
Doctor: You know, it's good, isn't it?
Master: Who are those creatures? 'Cause there's no such thing as the Toclafane, that's just a made-up name, like the "Bogeyman".
Doctor: I remember all those fairy tales about the Toclafane when we were kids. Back home... where is it, Master?
Master: Gone.
Doctor: ... How can Gallifrey be gone?
Master: It burnt.
Doctor: And the Time Lords?
Master: Dead. And the Daleks, more or less. What happened to me?
Doctor: The Time Lords only resurrected you because they knew you'd be the perfect warrior for a Time War. You were there when the Dalek Emperor took control of the Cruciform. You saw it. You ran. You ran so far. Made yourself human so they would never find you, because you were so scared.
Master: You know...
Doctor: All of them? But not me - which must mean....?
Master: You were the only one who could end it. And you tried, you did, you tried everything.
Doctor: What did it feel like, though? Two almighty civilizations burning, tell me how did that feel?
Master: Stop it!
Doctor: I must have been like God.
Master: You've been alone ever since. But not any more. Why don't I see that all we've got is each other?
Doctor: Wait, am I asking you out on a date?
Master: I could stop this right now, we could leave this planet and we can fight across the constellations if that's what I want, but not on Earth!
Doctor: Too late.
я не хочу знать, кто им телефон подпортил)))+1
Doctor: Your Lord Doctor.
Master: And your Lord Master. We are gathered for the end.
Rassilon: I'll listen to you. I can't...
Master: It is a fitting paradox that your salvation comes at the hands of your most infamous child.
Rassilon: But you're not saving us. Don't we realize what you're doing?
Doctor: Shhh! That's yours.
Rassilon: I look around me. You've transplanted yourself into every single human being. But who wants a mongrel little species like them? Because now you can transplant yourself into every single Time Lord. Oh yes, I'm Mr. President, standing here all noble, and resplendent, and decrepit, and I think how much better I'm going to look... as you!
Rassilon: No! No, tell me to stop it!
Mankind: Please order us to go on our knees, Rassilon.
Rassilon: No, that's fine, that's good, because I said "salvation". You still saved us, and I don't forget that.
Master: The approach begins.
Doctor: The approach of what?
Master: Something is returning, don't I ever listen? That was the prophecy. Not "someone", "something".
Doctor: What is it?
Master: They're not just bringing back the species. It's Gallifrey! Right here, right now!
Rassilon: You did this! You get the credit! You're on our side!
Doctor: But this is fantastic, isn't it? The Time Lords restored...
Master: I wasn't there, in the final days of the War. I never saw what was born. If the Time Lock's broken, everything's coming through. Not just the Daleks, but the Skaro Degradations, the Horde of Travesties, the Nightmare Child, the Could-Have-Been-King with his army of Meanwhiles and Never-Weres. The War turned into Hell. And that's what I opened, right above Earth. Hell is descending!
Doctor: Your kind of world!
Master: I'll listen, because even the Time Lords can't survive that.
Doctor: You will initiate the Final Sanction. The End of Time will come at your hand. The rupture will continue until it rips the Time Vortex apart.
Rassilon: That's suicide.
Doctor: You will ascend to become creatures of consciousness alone. Free of these bodies, free of time, and cause and effect, while creation itself ceases to be.
Master: I see now. That's what they were planning in the final days of the War. You had to stop them.
Rassilon: Then... let us take you with us, Master. Let yourself ascend into glory.
Master: I am diseased. Albeit a disease of your own making. No more.
Doctor: Should I choose my enemy well? You are many, he is but one.
Rassilon: But I'm the President. Kill me, and Gallifrey could be yours.
Doctor: Kill you, the link gets broken, they go back... I never would, I'm a coward.
Rassilon: It's not just him, it's me. I'm the link, kill me!
Doctor: The final act of my life is murder. But which one of you?
Master: Order me to get out of the way.
Rassilon: The link is broken! I'm going back into the Time War! I'm going back into Hell!
Gallifrey: I'm falling! I fall!
Doctor: I'll die with you, Rassilon.
Rassilon: Do you know it?
Doctor: Tell me to get out of your way.
Rassilon: I did this to you! All your life! I made you! One! Two! Three! FOUR!